Army of Terror Read online

Page 10


  Only Deevee, Zak, and Tash were unaffected.

  Eppon stalked closer. He would be on them in a few minutes. Zak backed up

  until he was right next to his sister. "We can't fight what we can't even


  Tash, too, backed away, and bumped into Luke Skywalker. Luke had managed

  to get to his feet. His eyes were squeezed shut as he tried to fight off the

  illusion. He muttered to himself, "The Force... got to stay... with the Force.


  "That's it!" she realized. "I can use the Force!"

  Zak understood. Through his experiments, Gog had managed to take control

  of the galaxy's most powerful elements. He had learned to control life and

  death. But the one thing he had never been able to do was control the Force.

  "I just hope you can use the Force as effectively as Vader did," Deevee

  said frantically.

  As soon as she heard those words, Tash knew that Deevee was wrong. She

  did not want to use the Force the way Vader had. That was the dark side.

  She recalled Luke's words: The Force isn't a weapon like a blaster or a

  lightsaber. It's more like a power that helps you focus yourself and

  understand everything around you.

  If the Force connected all living things, then maybe it connected her to

  Eppon, too. Maybe she could use it to reach him.

  "Eppon," she said softly. As she spoke, she reached out with her

  feelings, trying to imagine an energy field that flowed from her to the

  monster and back again. "Eppon, it's me. Tash. The one who took you from that

  egg chamber. I carried you on my back. We laughed and played together."

  Eppon lunged forward to grab her. Tash didn't move. She ignored her

  pounding heart. She focused on the Force.

  "We don't want to hurt you, Eppon. We're your friends. Remember?"

  Eppon's clawed hand hung over Tash, but did not come down. He could have

  destroyed her in a moment, but instead he only growled at her, gnashing his


  Using the Force, Tash connected herself to Eppon's mind. She felt anger,

  even rage, but somehow she knew that those emotions didn't belong to Eppon.

  They belonged to the evil scientist who had created him.

  She said softly, "What you're doing is not your fault. You were created

  by evil. But there is good in you. I can feel it."

  Eppon lowered his clawed hand.

  A few meters away, Gog howled in frustration. "No, no! Destroy her!"

  Eppon responded to Gog's command. His red eyes flashed, and Tash felt a

  wave of cold fear wash over her. Her concentration started to break. She

  suddenly began to worry that the others would escape while she was fighting

  Eppon. They would abandon her, leaving her to die while they escaped to

  safety. They would betray her.

  She started to lose her connection to the Force.

  Eppon growled, and raised his claws again to strike her down.

  You're not alone, Tash. Tash didn't hear the voice with her ears. She

  heard it inside her head. You're never alone.

  The sound of the voice made her feel stronger. She concentrated again,

  and felt the Force flow through her once more.

  There was something more. She felt someone else using the Force, too.

  Someone had added their strength to hers.

  Nearby, Luke had regained control of himself. She could feel him

  concentrating along with her.

  Tash aimed all her thoughts at Eppon. She summoned all the images of the

  baby boy Eppon into her brain, recalling how she had held him, and played with

  him, and hugged him when the commandos wanted to desert him.

  The images penetrated Eppon's angry mind. He lowered his claws again. His

  flaming eyes studied Tash, then turned to look at Zak. He growled softly.

  Gog shrieked, "Kill them now!"

  Eppon roared again, but this time he did not attack Zak and Tash. The

  creature whirled about and started toward Gog, its massive arms reaching out

  to crush him.

  "Get him, Eppon!" Zak cheered.

  As Eppon approached, Gog raised a small, flat object and pressed a single


  Eppon's head exploded.


  The creature's body slumped to the ground. His head had disintegrated in

  a flash of light.

  Gog shook his head. "Did you think I learned nothing from my past


  He stood over Eppon's body and kicked it with his toe.

  "Learning from mistakes is the basis of all science," he said. "I knew

  that once I had created the invincible soldiers for my Army of Terror, I had

  to be prepared in case I lost control." He patted the small device in his

  hand. "I planted a tiny explosive device in the creature's brain. It was the

  only way the creature could be destroyed."

  "You killed him!" Tash cried.

  "Murderer!" Zak spat.

  Gog only shrugged. "I created him. He was mine to destroy."

  "But you've still lost, Gog," Hoole said. "You'll never get off this


  "Oh? Who will stop me, Hoole?" Gog laughed.

  "We will," Han said weakly. Beside him, Chewbacca snarled. The Rebels

  were recovering from Eppon's fear power.

  "You? You have more important things to worry about."

  Even as Gog spoke, Hoole and the others felt a shadow fall across them.

  No, not one shadow-thousands of shadows.

  The wraiths were rushing into the laboratory.

  They filled the room with swirling darkness, whispering and moaning,

  Murder! Death to Mammon! Death!

  Zak and Tash felt the wraiths smother them, holding them down, while more

  of the shadow creatures pinned Hoole in place. He struggled, but could not

  move. The wraiths surrounded the Rebels.

  It didn't matter, Zak realized. They had no ion weapons. They had nothing

  with which to fight the wraiths.

  They all seemed too exhausted to fight. They waited for the shadow

  creatures to take their revenge.

  Except for Deevee. The droid struggled against the shadows that

  imprisoned him. Calling on every spark of energy that his mechanical body

  could muster, he pushed his way toward the center of the room.

  "Deevee, what are you doing?" Zak asked.

  Deevee couldn't spare the energy to answer.

  Mammon must die! Mammon must die! the voices moaned.

  A black claw slashed through the darkness, ripping a long red line across

  Hoole's chest. Gog cackled gleefully.

  Deevee reached the control console in the center of the room.

  Another black claw cut Hoole, drawing blood on his cheek. Gog cheered.

  Tash and Zak watched Deevee punch commands into the computer console. In

  response to his instructions, the console lit up, sending power to the five

  video monitors that hung overhead.

  Gog's image appeared on all five screens.

  It was an old recording, blurred by years of electronic storage. But it

  clearly showed Gog transmitting a message to the Emperor himself.

  "Your Excellency," Gog said in the message. "I have completed the final

  arrangements for the experiments here on Kiva. As we suspected, our experiment

  is a failure. It will not create life. It will destroy life. However, I plan

  to let the test go forward. I suspect that the results should be quite
  devastating, and may provide you with a useful weapon."

  The recording ended.

  The room was utterly silent.

  Then the whispers started.


  Another voice joined the first.


  More voices joined in. The wraiths seemed to be debating among

  themselves. For a moment, the voices of the shadow creatures were filled with

  doubt. They had been cursing the name of one scientist for twenty years. It

  was almost impossible for them to change course now. But Deevee had set the

  tape on replay, and Gog's recorded voice echoed throughout the chamber: "I

  plan to let the test go forward."

  Suddenly, a thousand voices accused: Goggoggoggoggoggoggog!

  Gog backed away, pointing at Hoole. "No, no. He is responsible. He did


  You are a murderer! You are a killer! Gog, you must die! The shadows fell

  away from Zak and Tash. They fell away from Hoole, and the Rebels.

  They poured onto Gog.

  The wraiths descended on the evil scientist. They smothered him until he

  could no longer be seen.

  Only Gog's voice could be heard, screaming in agony.

  The blackness of the shadows seemed to collapse in on itself, growing

  smaller and smaller, darker and darker, until finally it disappeared into thin

  air. Then the screaming stopped.


  Tash and Zak let a moment of silence pass.

  Their nightmares were finally at an end. Gog was gone for good. Project

  Starscream had finally been destroyed.

  Zak was the first to speak. "What do you think happened to the wraiths?"

  he whispered.

  Hoole answered. "They were creatures of energy and hatred. Perhaps, in

  killing Gog, they burned themselves out."

  By now, the Rebels had fully recovered from the fear Eppon had planted in

  them. Han Solo shook his head. "And I thought things were weird enough hanging

  around Luke!"

  "Are you all right?" Leia asked.

  "I think so," Tash answered. "Thanks for your help."

  Luke put a hand on her shoulder. "I think we owe you our thanks. That

  creature might have destroyed us all if you hadn't beaten it."

  Tash smiled weakly. "I couldn't have done it without you, Luke. Thanks

  for coming to help us."

  "You kidding?" Han replied with a laugh. "I had to get my ship back!"

  The roar of the Millennium Falcon's engines still filled the air as a

  lightsaber slashed through the last of the rubble. The powerful sword cut a

  large hole through the wall of debris, and Darth Vader stepped into the


  His eyes, hidden by the dark mask, quickly scanned the scene. He saw the

  empty room. He saw the corpse of the dead creature. He knew that Gog's

  experiment was over. The Rebels had succeeded in destroying the first soldier

  in the Emperor's Army of Terror. Without Gog's knowledge, there would be no


  Vader felt no regret. Even a creature as powerful as Eppon was nothing

  compared to the power of the Force. Besides, the Army of Terror was supposed

  to have been unbeatable, and Gog had been able to destroy his own creature.

  Obviously, the experiment was flawed.

  The Dark Lord turned his thoughts to the Rebels. They had escaped him

  again. He swore by the power of the dark side that he would find them. Dark

  thoughts filled Vader's mind as he strode away, leaving only the dry, sad wind

  of Kiva to sweep through the ruined laboratory.

  The wind whispered around the room, swirling in the corners, swirling

  around Eppon's body.

  Maybe it was the wind blowing across the dead planet. Maybe not.

  But a moment later, one of Eppon's fingers twitched..